The Department of Clinical Immunology, Næstved Hospital, holds
authorisation to perform activities regarding human tissues and cells. The department collect, process, and store bone marrow stem cells from patients suffering from certain haematological
diseases for use in autologous stem cell transplantation. The department comprise an allogeneic bone bank receiving bone tissue from patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery in hospitals in the
Sjælland region. Additionally, it provides a highly specialised cleanroom class B, where cell products are being prepared for patients’ use. Currently, the department has established a method for
cultivating mesenchymal stem cells in the purpose of building an allogeneic stem cell bank for use in clinical studies. The department performs various flow cytometric analyses, including
analyses for the characterisation of hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells. Specifications for all starting materials, intermediate and finished products in the quality system and also, in the
blood bank IT system ensure correct labelling and full traceability of all materials and products. to the website
Tasks in the project:
Susanne Saekmose
Ringstedgade 77B, 4700 Næstved
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